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If you are reading this blog, chances are you have baldness, hair thinning, or any other type of hair product and are considering going with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Well, we are not going to talk anything about the benefits of PRP hair restoration as you might already know them, but we have found some amazing facts about PRP treatment for hair loss that you would surely find new and exciting.

  • PRP therapy is one of the most effective treatments available for hair loss treatment as the plasma in this treatment contains many growth factors essential for hair growth. A good thing about PRP is that it is also good for skin rejuvenation.
  • Are you worried about those scars on your scalp after PRP therapy? Well, don’t worry as this is a completely non-surgical method and it does not cut on your scalp. A dermatologist will simply inject the solution into your scalp to stimulate natural hair growth and improve collagen production.
  • A good thing about this hair loss treatment in Toronto is that there is no need to worry about any kind of side effect. Whether you want to take PRP therapy for your hair or skin, you can be sure that you are opting for a completely safe and natural procedure that is free from any side effects. Please note that minor redness, bruising or headache can follow the session, which again is short-lived.
  • PRP therapy contains plasma that is taken from your blood. The blood is then processed and then re-injected directly back into the patient’s scalp or face. This means there are minimal side effects as the body doesn’t have to deal with any foreign components in your body.
  • When the PRP solution is injected into your scalp at the hair loss clinic in Toronto, it starts to stimulate inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into an active growth phase. Apart from this, it also helps improve the diameter of fragile hair. As a result, you will get a ‘Better and Faster’ growth rate of hair within 4 to 6 weeks of the first therapy.
  • For a PRP hair restoration session, there is no need to take a break from your workplace or college as this is a relatively fast process and you can go back to your work just the next day. The session takes no longer than half an hour and it can be repeated every 1-2 months depending upon your body’s need and the severity of hair loss.
  • Unlike hair transplant, PRP treatment for hair loss is very affordable, considering its benefits and the time it saves. Apart from this, there are no side effects associated with PRP hair restoration therapy and you can go back to work the next day of the session.

After a PRP therapy session, it is suggested to protect your scalp from sunlight and keep it protected with the help of a hat or avoid going out in the sun for a few days.

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